Published Papers |
No. | Title URL, Journal, Vol( No), Start Page- End Page, Publication date, DOI
1 | Macbeth and Japanese Literary Modernization in Meiji Era , Quest and Encounter: Interdisciplinary Studies on Shakespeare, , 106- 118, 2017,
2 | 「名誉革命とブリテン島征服―ドライデン『アーサー王』 (1691) における女性の〈認識〉」 , 『オベロン』, 41( 1), 28- 38, 2015,
3 | 啓蒙の場としてのスコットランド , 『オベロン』, 40( 1), 28- 37, 2014,
4 | The Containment of Scotland Ballads and the Invention of "Scottishness" in 18th Century British Theatre , 高崎健康福祉大学紀要, ( 12), 127- 139, Mar. 2013,
5 | 王政復古期の「宗教戦争」-The Duke of Guiseにおける英仏の「パラレル」- , Shakespeare News, 51( 2), 26- 37, 2012,
6 | China imagined as an origin of Europe: a Chinese garden in The fairy-queen (1692) , Studies in foreign language education, ( 33), 75- 84, 2011,
Conference Activities & Talks |
No. | Title, Conference, Publication date, Promoter, Venue
1 | Enter Shakespeare into Our Pop World: The Representation of Shakespeare in Japan, 第54回シェイクスピア学会, 2015, ,
2 | 「名誉革命とブリテン征服:King Arthur(1691)における国家意識と女性」, 第17回エリザベス朝研究会, 2014, ,
3 | Postmodern Shakespeare on Television: Future Century Shakespeare and Contemporary Japan, Shakespearean Journeys The Inaugural Conference of the Asian Shakespeare Association, 2014, ,
4 | The Injured Princess (1682)におけるパストラルの破綻 : Cymbeline改作にみるブリテン像の変遷, 第52回日本シェイクスピア学会, 2013, ,
5 | スコットランドはいかにしてパストラルとなったか : The Gentle Shepherd (1728)を読む, オベロン会9月例会, 2013, ,
6 | Re-imagined French Civil War in The Duke of Guise, エリザベス朝研究会, 2012, ,
7 | Un-British Cymbeline : Injured Princess におけるパストラルの破綻, オベロン会10月例会, 2012, ,
8 | バラッド・オペラとスコットランド・バラッドからみるイギリス演劇, 日本英文学会第83回大会シンポジアム, 2011, ,
9 | Beyond Postmodern Reality: Japanese Adaptations of Othello and Re-Presentation of Social Issues, International Conference on Literature, Language and Communication: An Essential Trident, , ,
10 | スコットランドはいかにしてパストラルとなったか―Allan Ramsay, The Gentle Shepherd (1725)を読む, オベロン会9月例会, , ,
11 | 「Un-British Cymbeline: The Injured Princess (1982)における王位継承」, オベロン会10月例会, , ,
12 | 「スコットランドはいかにしてパストラルとなったか:Allan Ramsay, The, オベロン会9月例会, , ,
Research Grants & Projects |
No. | Offer organization, System name, Title, Fund classification, Date
1 | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 'Shakespeare Worship' and the Entertainment Business in the Eighteenth Century England, , Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2024
2 | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, "Sea-faring Scots" in 19th Century British Novels and Border-crossings, , Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2023
3 | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, A Research of "Islands Culture" and Cross-Bordering in the South Sea in the 19th-20th century British Novels, , Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2020
4 | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Impartiality in Natural History and Distribution of Knowledge in 16th to 19th century Britain, , Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2016
5 | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Digital Archives and Early Modern English Theatre: The Network of Playhouses, Players, and Printing-houses, , Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2015
6 | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, A Research of the Invention of Scottishness through Scottish Ballad Opera, , 2011 - 2012