Published Papers |
No. | Title URL, Journal, Vol( No), Start Page- End Page, Publication date, DOI
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2 | Determining Antioxidant Activity of Concentrated Watermelon Composition using SOAC Method , 日本食品保蔵科学会誌, 46( 6), , Dec. 2020,
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5 | One step formation of capsaisin α-glucoside by enzymatic transglucosylation and its molecular properties , 日本食品化学学会誌, 22( 2), , Apr. 2015,
6 | Flavonoid glucuronides isolated from spinach inhibit IgE-mediated degranulation in basophilic leukemia RBL-2H3 cells and passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction in mice , Integrative Molecular Medicine, 2( 1), 99- 105, Jan. 2015,
Conference Activities & Talks |
No. | Title, Conference, Publication date, Promoter, Venue
1 | Evaluation of the physical properties and antioxidant activity of traditional food “Kuroko” dishes, 2024 Congress of the Japanese Society of Culinary Science, Inc., Sep. 7, 2024, ,
2 | Changes in the amount of starch and dietary fiber in the manufacturing process of traditional food "Kuroko", 2024 Congress of the Japanese Society of Culinary Science, Inc., Sep. 6, 2024, ,
3 | Evaluation of fermentation suitability and functional components of rice koji prepared from high-hydrostatic pressure processed rice., , Aug. 30, 2024, ,
4 | Reevaluation of field horsetail focusing on nutritional value and functional components, The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Home Economics, May. 25, 2024, ,
5 | Oxytocin in mouse milk influences parenting behaviour in the next generation, , Mar. 23, 2024, ,
6 | Palatability and functionality of pound cake with added mulberry leaves., 2023 Congress of the Japanese Society of Culinary Science, Inc., Sep. 10, 2023, ,
7 | Antioxidant capacity of poud cake with the addition of gallic acid., The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Home Economics, May. 27, 2023, ,
8 | Evaluation of antioxidant activities in human serum using the CUPRAC and SOAC methods., The 93rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Hygiene, Mar. 4, 2023, ,
9 | Identification of novel spermidine-type AGEs derived by food heating, The 41st Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research, Oct. 1, 2022, ,
10 | Development of Inquiry Activity Teaching Materials Using Amino Acid Measuring Kit, , Sep. 24, 2022, ,
11 | Compositional evaluation of broccoli during freezing treatment, , Sep. 13, 2022, ,
12 | Effects to HPLC or LC-MS analysis by intermolecular interaction of polyamine analogs, The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem), Dec. 20, 2021, ,